The half-hour OVA based on erotic manga by Fumio Nakajima included two separate stories: “The Reddening Snow,” and “Girls Tortured with Roses.” The first segment in particular, Yuki no Beni Kesho, remains one of the more unusual and distinctive adult anime in the history of the genre not only due to its historical significance but because of its deeply affecting tone. The very first pornographic straight-to-video anime ever released was studio Wonder Kids’ Lolita Anime I: Yuki no Beni Kesho/Shoujo Bara Kei, released on February 21, 1984. From here on in, this article will get graphic and include graphic adult imagery. The more contemporary examples merit recognition for their practically unconscionable excess.
A pair of early adult anime is particularly noteworthy for their intensely cynical tone. I haven’t watched every adult anime ever produced, but I have sampled enough of them to be able to identify a reasonably comprehensive selection of the most shockingly grotesque and upsetting erotic anime ever. What’s the freakiest, nastiest, most disguising hentai of all time?